Lets review last weeks’ IPL controversies: Bajji slapping, The Ganguly-Warne “spirit-of-cricket” face-off, the Cheerleader controversy, Shoiab’s IPL refusal despite the PCB giving it an OK. Just to name a few. In each of these cases, the controversy comes, newspapers and blogs pick it up, tom-tom it for a while, and then 2 days later, everyone just moves on to the next one.
I wonder why the average IPL controversy is so short-lived? Political and Bollywood-originated controversies last much longer. Think about the HAL-BIAL controversy in Bangalore, the SRK vs Amitabh controversy etc… have lasted for months!
I think one reason is that there are so many controversies originating from the IPL that the blogosphere keeps jumping from one to the next. Its like a small child in a candy shop! The kid doesn’t know what it wants, and wants to try ALL the sweets in the shop.
The Twenty20 cricket revolution has brought in the age of fast-paced action, and the cricket pitch is not the only place where all the action is. Its all slam-bang-thank-you-very-much style of thinking everywhere now. I can’t figure out if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. But it sure is very entertaining!