Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Beyonce to dance at IPL opening ceremony?

This is being reported by the Times of India, so please take it with a pinch of salt. Anyway, the gossip is that Beyonce, who’s apparently pals with Vijay Mallya, has agreed to do a 15-minute dance number at the inaugural IPL match at Bangalore. Vijay Mallya has managed to talk the hottie into flying down to Bangalore just for this special, inaugural match on the 18th of April.
Oh, that’s not all. Also, apparently, Katrina Khaif and Deepika Padukone are not too happy that Beyonce will be trouncing them and began a silly war of words. The article even goes into name-dropping mode, claiming Vijay Mallya is sending his private jet to fly down David and Victoria Beckham among a bunch of other celebrities. Even SRK, apaprently has managed to convinve Amitabh Bacchan to cut the ribbon at the Kolkata Inaugural match.
I don’t know how much of this is true, but it is definitely a very entertaining read
Oh, and By The Way, it’s also probably an April Fool’s joke