Many foreign cheerleaders have been imported to India with this month's inauguration of the India Premier League (IPL): a shortened form of traditional cricket that transforms the game into a more glitzy US-style sponsored sport event.
But some outraged politicians say it is an affront to Indian culture while a few of the cheerleaders themselves complain lewd comment and insults from spectators is making their job a misery.
The self-proclaimed moral police of Monday attacked the cheerleader concept that has been imported to India. Minister of State for Home Siddharam Mhetre apparently finds the cheerleaders “absolutely obscene”, and finds it especially disgusting since we are in a country where “Womanhood is worshiped”. He’s talking about a ban on cheerleaders, and will certainly not allow them to perform in Mumbai.
I wonder if the honorable minister has been watching Bollywood item numbers lately? He may have a point, but this holier-than-thou attitide is not winning him any friends (but it may win him lots of votes, unfortunately).
Be associated with everything popular and make a controversy. That’s what the rule book these so called ‘moral police’ follow.
I hate this vote bank politicians. They need some REAL work to do. There are many issues to be tackled before you talk about woman worship and other such politically correct sounding nonsense. Control female infanticide first, you moronic Babus.
"It's been horrendous," Tabitha, a cheerleader from Uzbekistan,
"Wherever we go we do expect people to pass lewd, snide remarks but I'm shocked by the nature and magnitude of the comments people pass here."